If there is one thing that I have learnt in my years is that I absolutely adore England for so many reasons. The awkward mention of weather to strangers you don't know what to speak about, the overabundant use of "sorry", our love of tea and biscuits and on a more serious note, the history is equally fascinating. 

I love how we have street parties with bunting galore and producing a picture in celebration of VE Day was definitely going to happen.  

Behind the scene

A few things to spot. No meme today but definitely a beautiful Union Jack I felt was definitely needed. I walked around my house and looked at what I could use as props and I quickly saw that we had everything I needed from a cake, strawberries, tulips a teapot and a tea cup.. perfect! The bunting was something my partner made herself and the bench had been living in the garden for the kids for quite some time. By the way, it's heavier than it looks.

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