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The website creation system is a very simple yet very powerful tool for rapidly creating compelling business websites. The system is linked to a hosting framework which allows a one-stop-shop approach to website creation.

Customers can now create a website in minutes without any concerns about hosting or domain management.

The guide is divided across 6 main areas, these align to the basic steps used by the website updating tool.

  • Step 0 - Logging in and changing your website
  • Step1 � Basic information
  • Step2 � Style and layout
  • Step3 � Webpages
  • Step4 � Groups and items

There are three further guides that provide valuable information

  • Using images
  • Using hyperlinks
  • Buying your site and a Domain Name

If these guides do not answer any questions you have, then please contact the reason8 support team at .

Minimum requirements

To use the online you website creation system you must have a computer connected to the internet. If your computer is a PC it must have a Microsoft browser (Internet Explorer at least ver.5). If it is a an Apple Macintosh it must either have the very latest Safari Browser or the latest Netscape Navigator Browser.

1 Getting started

Before you can modify your website you must first login.

There are two ways to login to your site.

1.1 Login through

You can click the login link at the top of the page in

1.2 Login directly through your site

If you do not want to keep going back to the reason8 site each time you want to login, you can login directly from your own site. You will see a login(or admin) button at the top of your website. [ if a customised template has been created for you, your login button may have been hidden for cosmetic reasons]

1.3 The login window

Whichever route you choose to login to your site you will see a login screen similar to the one shown below. You must enter the username and password emailed to you and click [login].

If you have forgotten your password you can click the [forgot your password ?] link on the login screen

Enter your email address when prompted and the system will email your password to you. If you have forgotten which email address you provided then contact the support team at .

We take the security of your site very seriously. If you use this reminder tool, our system will track the location of your PC and your hosting provider and send emails to you and to our security team.

You should therefore take as much care with the password for your email system as you do with the password for your website.

If you receive an email providing you with your email details that you did not request please get in contact with us immediately. (

1.4 Navigating around the editing system

Once you have logged in you will see that your website moves down a few centimetres and 6 navigation buttons appear at the top of your screen.

These buttons let you to change the content of your website and will remain at the top of your screen until you logout.

1.5 Testing your website � viewing the changes you have made

The website editor lets you to make changes instantaneously to your website. As you make changes you may wish to see how your site looks.

One of the buttons at the top of the screen is a very useful and powerful

You can click this button to test your website at any time and see how it looks. If you have added text, perhaps a new page or even some products, you may want to see how your site appears. ALWAYS REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR WORK before clicking this button.

| Introduction | Basic | Style | Webpages | Groups and Items | Other | Buynow | Images | Hyperlinks | Home |
| User guide | Link guide | Image guide | Buy guide |