This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. Something that is incredibly close to my heart and something I actively support so this week's set of pictures relate to things that help me when I need it.

Family, for me, is the single most important thing in my life. Without my little gang, I wouldn't be the kind of person I am today. Sure, you have your good days and your bad days and the kids sometimes break something you really like or just make an unholy amount of mess straight after you've spent hours cleaning up but ultimately my little unit are the ones that keep me grounded. Not everyone is as lucky as I am to have a family this close but I strongly believe that talking about issues to anybody on things that are bothering you is vital to your mental well-being. If it's a friend, a family member or a professional, I urge people to talk to someone. If you're not sure where to go to talk to a professional, visit our website and select the 'Health and Wellness' industry on our examples page as we have worked with so many fantastic business owners that offer these types of services. 

Behind the scene

For those of you that have kids, you know full well that getting a lovely picture of your kids is incredibly difficult. I must have summoned all the luck in the world because my youngest managed to not pull a face or tear down the lights but actually sat still. My eldest son however, was pulling faces on most of the pictures and this is the only one he didn't. He is a very happy child even though this picture doesn't really show it but it's the best picture I've taken of them so I'm very proud. 

Before the kids came up, I got some snacks hidden around, preparing myself for chaos and I also got all the lighting set up so when they came up, we all sat down, I snapped away remotely a bunch of times and let them free again. Still can't believe how lucky I got with this. 

Naturally, I added the previous pictures on the monitor as a meme because it made me smile. 

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