Professional Email

Getting emails absolutely perfect straight off the bat is a fundamental aspect of any serious and successful ecommerce website design. Customers will never take you seriously if your business is represented by a Yahoo or Gmail account. Upon joining DotGO, you receive a professional email account with 1GB mailbox at no extra charge, which can be immediately integrated with all devices. This means that your order and shipping confirmations will look highly professional to the customer and can be accessed by you, the shop owner, at all times.

Moreover, an equally important aspect of emails is their capacity to serve as a highly effective marketing channel. Mailing lists, after all, have been a successful feature of ecommerce websites the world over for many years. Taking time to build this mailing list, using popups and giveaways as a way of drawing people in, gives you a solid backbone of potential customers that you can always communicate with.

Scour the Competition

You don’t have to be like Marcelo Bielsa – the Leeds United manager who, without fail, combs over hundreds of hours of footage of opposition teams ahead of each game – but it does make plenty of sense to properly analyse your competitors. Take a look at the most successful online shops that sell what you sell, and really pick them apart.

For instance, before even diving into the website’s anatomy, take a look at its socials and mailing lists to gain a perspective on the website’s tone, how it communicates with people. This is a fundamental aspect that many people miss. Tone is so important. Beyond that, though, obviously look at the way they present products, style their ecommerce website design, use popups, etc. You don’t want to copy what they do, but you do want to gain an understanding of the underlying principles that unify all successful ecommerce website designs.

Ensure Website Security

As a relatively established ecommerce website design, failing to enact proper security measures can cause a damaging loss of confidence among customers. As an online shop that is right at the start of its journey, however, any slackness around security could kill your website before it even starts doing cute little baby steps. Failing to make security your first priority would be a fatal mistake, regardless of the size of your business.

How do I protect myself? You ask. Well, beyond having unique and tricky passwords for all devices, SSL security certificates, two-factor authentication, encrypted devices and backups of everything, make sure that you also use a trusted security provider, like McAfee. Not only does this give an extra layer of protection from phishing, malware and other stuff, it gives customers confidence that your ecommerce website design is secure.

Google Analytics

This is a no-brainer. Not only does DotGO’s ecommerce website design system have its own analytics system; you can also use the platform to create a Google Analytics account. This widely popular platform enables you to view which products are most popular, the demographic of your visitors, which pages are most popular, bounce rate, and so much more. The more you dig around in Google Analytics, the more jewels you find. It is a big, remarkably useful and thankfully free platform. Get to know it.


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